The emirates Airline festival of Literature 2021 in Dubai
The beginning of the year is always an exciting time for Dubai residents. Although there are many annual events and festivals to look forward to, from the Dubai food Festival to the Dubai Duty-Free Championship, bibliophiles will find heaven in the emirates airline festival of Literature 2021!

Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, UAE
The Emirates Festivals of Literature is usually called by different names, including the Dubai literature festival, the Emirates Lit Fest, the Dubai Lit Fest, and the Literature Festival. You can call it by any name; this festival is basically the celebration of literature, creative writers, and readers.
It is announced recently that the Dubai Emirates airline festival of Literature is setting February 2nd to 7th for its 2021 festival dates and that’s the smart thing to do. There are many upcoming festivals and programs of Dubai which are also announced.
Details for Airline Festival of Literature
Timings: 09:00A.M – 06:00P.M (expected)
Type and Category: Trade show and Logistics and transportation
Entry Fees: Not yet declared (you should check the official website for reference)
This time the 13th edition of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature in will Dubai will be featuring the theme “Change the story”. It will be combining an exclusive array of literary workshops and debates, performances, and panel discussions featuring famous local and international authors, this festival is counted amongst the most prominent international literary festivals in the world.
Basically, this festival aims to instill a passion for reading and writing literature in the local and regional community. Launched in 2009, it has consistently grown into a popular literary event all over the world which includes the best no of residents and visitors each year. This year as well the emirates literature festival promises a host of very exciting events, including the necessary precautionary measures of COVID-19.

If you are planning to visit Dubai and enjoy it, this is the best time for you to plan your trip as Dubai is at its best right now. Easily apply for your Dubai visa and then travel to Dubai for exploring the different places and the emirates Airline festival of Literature 2021.